Several theories have been devleoped to explain the mysteriously recurring presence of this cat in the dreams of different people who are not related in any way. The following theories are the ones that elict the greatest interest among the dreamers themselves.


According to Swiss psychiatrist, Carl Jung, Jungian Archetypes are a psychological concept that refers to a universal image or idea that is prevelent in the collective unconscious of all human beings. These conceptual archetypes are thought to transcend the bounds of human existence as symbols or figures that originate within the realm of dream and subconcious - something far beyond what we can comprehend.

As the psychic counterpart to instinct Jungian Archetypes reference the pattern of thoughts and behavior

There are several motifs that have manifested through dreams, folklore, and myths across many different cultures. A few common ones include: The Trickster, The Mother, The Acocolypse, The Hero, The Elder. It is theorized that THIS CAT exists as a transcentental archetype of the human subconcious - what it represents or symbolizes is unknown.


It has been theorized by multiple religious organizations that this face is the image of the Creator, one of the forms in which God (or a God) manifests itself today. This is one of the reasons why the symbol of THIS CAT is such a fear inducing one when it appears in dreams. The dreamers feel as if the words it utters during the dream are omens and warnings that should be heeded not matter what, whether within the dream state, or in the waking world.


This is the most interesting theory, and one that has the strongest supportive backing by the community of THIS CAT dreamers - however, it has a slim amount of scientific evidence to back it up.

Accoring to this theory, this cat is a real cat (or a trickster entity that takes upon the form of a cat) who can enter people's dreams by means of advanced psychological (or paranormal) skills.

Some beleive that in real life, this creature looks like the cat in the dreams, as some to have claimed to have spotted a similar entity in real life (these claims are found to lack credibility and have yet to be proven). However, some believe the image of the cat is only the form that it chooses to imitate in the dreams, and the real source behind it's presence doesn't resemble the cat at all...


This is a scientific psuedo psycho-sociological theory, which claims that this phenomenon is in part a case of mass hysteria. People who are casually exposed to this image become susbconciously impacted by this face to such a degree, that they start seeing THIS CAT in their dreams.

While this accounts for the widespread sightings of this entity in the dreamscape - as popularity and acknowledgment in the public eye could continously perpetuate claims - this theory, however, doesn't account for the anomilous and hostile behaviors this figure seems to take on once it penetrates the unconcious mind of the individual.


In addition to the previous theory, it is beleived that the perpetuated phenomenon of THIS CAT is due to the tulpification of the entity into a real spirit of physical occurence in our reality.

A tulpa is defined as "a materialized being or thought-form that is created through spiritual practice and intense concentration." Originating from Tibetan Buddihist mysticism, the monks who undertake this spiritual practice (also called "Tulpamancers") study and hone their mental strength to create beings that exist in real life, with nothing but psychological power. Think of imaginary friends, who are believed in to such a powerful degree that they become physical manifestations.

It is disputed whether Tulpa's actually become real physical figures on the material plane, but it is thought that the individual responsible for their own Tulpa is the only one able to see and interact with it.

It is thought that the prevelant spread of THIS CAT is due to it's accidental tulpafication by the thousands of people who think, dream, and believe in this figure. What started out as simply an odd anamolous dream has gone to actually become a malignant entity that exists in the perception of those who know about it. It is theorized that simply being exposed to the face of this entity, either in passing or by actively seeking it out, your subconcious has become open to being tormented by the creature that this face represents.